
There are plenty of Easter egg hunts taking place throughout Dallas county this weekend for people to enjoy. 

Perry Parks and Recreation is hosting the Easter egg hunt at Wiese Park at 10 a.m. today which will feature a visit from the Easter bunny followed by the Easter egg hunt and is meant for those who are 2-8-years old. The Dallas Center Seasonal Fun Committee is also hosting the Easter egg hunt today beginning at 10 a.m. at Heritage Park in Dallas Center. 

The Community Easter Egg Hunt in Minburn presented by the Minburn Public Library is at 10 a.m. today in Rogers Park. Also, the Perry Hy-Vee will be hosting an Easter egg hunt beginning at noon today which will be outside on the eastside of the store with special prizes being found in some of the eggs and the Hy-Vee Bunny will be available to take free photos. 

Lastly, tomorrow the Hotel Pattee in Perry will be hosting the Pattee Rabbit from noon to 1 p.m. for photos and there will be hidden eggs on the lower two levels for children up to 12-years-old to find. Each child can find and keep 10 eggs and there will be four golden eggs that will contain an extra special prize. 

All Easter egg hunts in Dallas County are free to attend.