
When the seasons begin to change and the temperature starts to warm up, there are plenty of ways to get active. 

Dallas County Health Department Community Health Administrator Abigail Chihak says spring is a good time for people to get back into the habit of being active. Chihak says she encourages people to think of ways they can add a little bit more movement into their days. 

“You don’t have to go to the gym for hours each day to be healthy, that’s not necessarily realistic, but making time for a walk, parking a little further away or choosing to bike or walk to a nearby destination, choosing the stairs over the elevator, those are all little ways that we can be a little bit more active everyday.”

Chihak tells Raccoon Valley Radio there are also plenty of opportunities to get outdoors and explore the area in Dallas County. 

“Being active shouldn’t be a chore, it should really be something fun and something you enjoy doing.”

Chihak says people can explore some of the local trails that are available throughout the county which includes the popular Raccoon River Valley Trail.