A state representative praises the work of grants that have handed out large grants to broadband providers in Iowa.
House District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen says his goal of getting every Iowan the ability to have internet connectivity is progressing after the $100 million grant from the Iowa Broadband Grant Program that was rolled out to providers in early January. Sorensen tells Raccoon Valley Radio he is encouraged with how the projects are going so far.
“I stay in regular contact with the OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer). They oversee the Broadband Grant Program to ensure everything is functioning as smoothly as the government can be expected to. We’re very aware of supply chain issues, but overall the projects are moving forward.”
Sorensen adds he is always looking for creative solutions like House File 2324 that is up for consideration which would establish a satellite internet grant program. Casey Mutual Telephone received a $2 million grante for their Casey Mutual Rural Fiber Project.