The Guthrie County Transfer Station is in the process of an educational program to remind residents in the community about quality environmental practices.
Transfer Station Jotham Arber says that this summer they want to create a better recycling program to educate people that recycling is good for the community’s environment. Arber states part of this program will be bringing new recycling bins to people’s homes and educating the public.
“We’re hoping to get out flyers and to really educate our population again on what things can be and can’t be recycled, because there are certain things that we are we have been seeing come in that can’t be recycled and they get mixed in with the things that can and then we have to sort that out. And sometimes it kind of ruins the things that can be recycled.”
Arber’s goal is to have a recycling bin in every community and for the residents to use the curbside recycling that is at their disposal in the county. He says this education program will start sometime in early summer.