The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.
The Supervisors voted 3-2 to deny a letter of support for Greene County Development Corporation to apply for a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) grant to be used toward expenses for the Greene County Diversity Project. Supervisors Dawn Rudolph, Mick Burkett and Tom Contner voted against the measure. The grant is for up to $500,000, with a 20-percent local match, and would be used to help bring Latinos to Greene County to work and live in the community. It was mentioned that the total amount of funding for the project had been changed and there was no financial support from any of the county employers.
The Board also voted 3-2 to submit a letter to the Iowa Utilities Board objecting to allow eminent domain for private use by Summit Carbon Solutions for a proposed carbon dioxide underground pipeline. Supervisors John Muir and Tom Contner were the two no votes. It was mentioned during the meeting about certain language that County Attorney Thomas Laehn drafted in the letter that Muir didn’t feel confident in using and wanted more time to review before submitting it. However, the letter will be electronically submitted to the docket with IUB.
Next, the Board discussed a countywide social host ordinance. Laehn reviewed the proposed ordinance, which would criminalize the property owner with a civil fine if they knowingly held an event on their property where alcohol and/or controlled substances were involved with individuals under the age of 21. Current state law only covers individuals that are 17 and younger. The ordinance also includes certain exceptions. The Board agreed to vote on the ordinance next week.
The Board also approved the County Treasurer’s quarterly investment report for January-March as presented, hiring Logan Wolf at $12 per hour for an as needed part time emergency medical technician for the ambulance department, and the county’s substance abuse grant application for the 2023 fiscal year.