The Perry School Board will consider approving a high school eSports activity/sponsor position for 2022-23 at their regular meeting tonight.

Also, the Board will consider approving a Morningside University agreement for teacher education clinical experiences placements, a Timberline billing services agreement, the approval of various board policies as well as hires, transfers, resignations and retirements.

The Board will also hold the fiscal year 2023 budget hearing which is being certified with a 2.5-percent increase in Supplemental State Aid and a PCS tax rate of $19.44 which is a decrease over the previous year and is the fourth year in a row the tax rate has been decreased.

Also, the Board will hear updates on a solar project opportunity with the district as well as the Perry Elementary kitchen remodel. The Board will finish the meeting with an exempt session for negotiations strategy and then a closed session for the annual evaluation of Superintendent Clark Wicks.

The Perry School Board will meet at 6 p.m. tonight in the High School Brady Library.