The West Central Valley School Board approved at their meeting in March a retention stipend to give funds to active teachers on their payroll. 

Superintendent Rusty Shockley says they will give all full time teachers and staff members that did not receive the money from the retention bonuses from the Department of Education $1,000 as a part of their April payroll. Shockley describes why they made this decision. 

“We just felt for the reason of equity that we needed to do that. We’re using ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds to do that with the ones that are not getting the state funding.”

Shockley explains that the part-time support staff such as coaches and sponsors will receive $250 over the period of four seasons and substitute employees will get an additional $5 per day that an individual worked from April 2021 through March 2022. He also says that full time employees that fulfill their 2022-23 contract will receive $2,000 on October 1st, 2022 and part time employees will receive $500 over four seasons and substitute teachers will receive $10 per day for every day they have worked in the year of 2021-2022 using ESSER funds. The total cost of these retention stipends is approximately $375,000.