From P.A.C.E.S Facebook page.
For families who want their children to attend a program this summer, a local school in Dallas County is accepting applications.
Perry’s Academic and Cultural Enrichment Services (P.A.C.E.S.) program is now accepting applications for its summer program at Perry Elementary. Any student who is enrolled in 4-year-old preschool through fifth grade is eligible to attend.
The P.A.C.E.S. summer program will run from June 6th through August 5th and the program offers many academic and recreational experiences for students including field trips. Applications are available in the P.A.C.E.S. Room in the elementary.
There is a $20 per family registration fee that is due when the forms are turned in.
For more information or any questions you can contact P.A.C.E.S. at 515-465-8264