A reminder of a new event that pays homage to a tradition that hasn’t happened in Greene County for the past two years.
The 15th Annual Toddler Fest returns as the new “Toddle Through Your Library” event. Jefferson Youth Services Librarian Stephanie Hall says each of the six Greene County libraries has a designated day and time that families of children ages 2-5 can drive through the library’s parking lots and pick up an activity bag. Each child will receive activities to help them developmentally, resources from area organizations, a snack, a free book from the Jefferson Rotary Club and a bag of goodies from Partnerships 4 Families.
Hall says following Greene County Public Health’s guidance, they decided to not hold their typical one day event, but instead do something for area youngsters.
“What we wanted to do is create the event similar to what we would have in the large one, but put it all in a bag where families could take it home. So we won’t have the grocery store per say, but we will have lacing cards and other things that families can do together as a group, with the whole family, or just children individually.”
The new event kicks off on Saturday with the Paton Library from 9-11am, Rippey Library from 10am-noon and the Jefferson Library from 2-4pm. On Wednesday, April 6th will be the Churdan Library from 9-11am and the Scranton Library from 5-6pm. Finally, next Saturday, April 9th will be the Grand Junction Library from 2-4pm. Hall encourages families to go to their own community library, but you don’t have to.
“You do not have to go to your local library to receive the materials, you can go to any of those events at any of the libraries in Greene County. So hopefully they can meet sometime in there and connect with a library. If they are not able to meet at one of those events though, we will not have extras to give out, and it will only while supplies last.”
Hall adds there will also be a special guest with the mouse from the book, “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.” The free come-and-go event is sponsored by the Greene County Libraries Association and the Greene County Board of Supervisors. To hear more about this program as well as other Jefferson Library happenings, tune into today’s Let’s Talk Greene County program.