
The Adair and Guthrie Emergency Management Agency recently earned a prestigious honor that they have worked hard for. 

Adair and Guthrie County EMA Coordinator Bob Kempf says they were designated as a Storm Ready county by the National Weather Service. Kempf explains what they had to do to be a Storm Ready county. 

“We work very hard at getting the preparedness message out. Participating in press events just like this to make sure that people are aware. It also requires that our dispatch centers for the counties are prepared. They have to have multiple ways to access warning information so that they can get it out to the first responders as needed.”

Kempf says they went through a lengthy application process and the weather service inspected their dispatch, emergency plans and much more. Kempf states this program has to be renewed every three years and Adair and Guthrie counties have qualified four times in a row.