The Greene County Animal Shelter continues to take shape.
After the initial groundwork and pouring concrete for the foundation and footings this past December, the project to install a 3,000-square foot facility is now being erected by the contractor Jensen Brothers. The exterior metal building was delivered earlier this month and crews are now assembling it at the site along Highway 4 in the Greene County Development Corporation west business park.
Additionally, the City Council has started purchasing equipment for the interior. City Administrator Mike Palmer says the Council approved in February a $35,000 purchase.
“A grant had been received from the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture), a $35,000 grant for interior equipment, which is the cat cages and the dog kennels, that’s to cover some of it. That’s was not part of the cost of the construction of the building, everybody knew that going in that that’s a separate issue, but the funding is there for that.”
Palmer notes the Council will continue to purchase more equipment and then it’s just a matter of timing.
“Given the lead time of it, hopefully we get it all timed right where when the equipment comes, the building is ready for it. If not, we just have to temporarily store them.”
The total cost of the building that was approved by the Council is $906,900 and Palmer adds the anticipated completion of the project is this fall.