Many of the Guthrie County schools went to Carroll High School last weekend for the FFA Southwest District Contest and performed well.
Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center High School’s chapter had five gold awards that include Jake Thomas for the Treasurer’s Report, EmmaRae Ellis in Creed Speaking, Presley Buttler in Chapter Program, Jalen Michaelsen in Job Interview along with Michael Maas in Welding.
West Central Valley High School’s chapter won gold for Parliamentary Procedure and Panorama High School’s chapter received four bronze awards for Creed Speaking, Chapter Website, Ag Impact and Scrapbook.
The full list will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
Arilyan Steenblock in Creed got a bronze.
Ag Impact team of Ella Carrico, Taylor Fronapfel, Evelyn Hummel, Cody Kastner, Evan Johnson got a Bronze,
Hadley Klein in Chapter Website got a Bronze
Carley VanGundy’s Scrapbook got a Bronze.
West Central Valley
Parliamentary Procedure team received a gold rating
Extemporaneous speaker received a bronze.
Jake Thomas’s (Gold) Treasurer’s book advanced to State
EmmaRae Ellis (Gold) is an alternate to State in Creed Speaking.
Britni Hays received the Academic Achievement Award and Tucker Carroll and Jarrett McClain served as Delegates.
Oxy Welding – Michael Maas (Gold); Arc Welding – Jalen Michaelsen (Gold)
Job Interview – Presley Buttler (Gold);
Chapter Program (Silver) – Cara Caltride, Sophie Dorsey, and Jackson Sloss Extemporaneous Speaking – Jake Thomas (Silver)
Secretary’s Book – Cara Caltrider (Silver)
Reporter’s Scrapbook – Jarrett McClain (Silver); Ag Impact – Nora Langgaard, Olivia Mahaffey, Laurin Davis, Allison Drake, Calleigh Wolfe, and Lilah Heinz (Bronze).