
Greene County ISU Extension is hosting its final Ag Coffee event of the winter season.

March’s topic will be on Agroforestry Windbreak and Beyond and the informal discussion will take place on Friday from 9:30-11am at the Extension office in Jefferson. Trees Forever Coordinator and Licensed Arborist Brad Riphagen will be the guest presenter. Greene County Extension Director Lori Mannel talks about how the previous Ag Coffees have gone this year.

“We have had an increased attendance and I don’t know if it’s (that) people are just ready to get out of their homes and covid restrictions are lessening a little bit, or we’re picking the right topics. So we have our regulars that come each month as well. But again we try to do something that’s just not for a typical farmer.”  

Mannel says previous Ag Coffees have been “planning your spring garden” in February, the Farm Bill in January and carbon credits in December. Friday’s free program is sponsored by Midland Power Cooperative and no pre-registration is necessary.