
Greene County residents who have land in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) are encouraged to take a free virtual program.

The workshop will go over information regarding the Required Management practices for CRP ground and specifically the options landowners have for management, including prescribed burning, tillage, and spraying, among other practices. The program will also cover information about the pros and cons of each option and how to safely complete the activity while following a conservation plan. The program will be led by Pheasants Forever, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service and the USDA-Farm Service Agency.

The final virtual meeting will be tomorrow at 6pm. Contact Tabitha Panas with the Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist or Iowa DNR Technician Inga Roen to receive the Zoom link information. Their contact information can be found below.  

Tabitha Panas, Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist: tpanas@pheasantsforever.org

Inga Roen, Iowa Department of Natural Resources Natural Resources Technician: inga.roen@dnr.iowa.gov