
The Perry City Council will consider approving a historic preservation member at their regular meeting Monday. 

Also, the Council will hold a public hearing on the 2020 downtown street and utility improvements project and approve an award for the project and a pay application for the wastewater treatment facility improvements.

The Council will also discuss the fiscal year 2023 budget work session update, set a public hearing date for the proposed fiscal year 2023 budget, consider setting a schedule for the 2022 yard waste disposal dates and procedures and consider approving the rules for the yard waste disposal site. 

Finally, the Council will consider approving a three year service agreement with Mediacom Business for the McCreary Community Building internet and phone services, setting a public hearing for the application of a CDBG water and sewer grant and the authorization of a public notice for the Councils intention to fill a vacancy by appointment.

The Perry City Council will meet at 6 p.m .Monday in the Towncraft Building. There are virtual options to attend the meeting which can be found below.

Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone: Or by phone: 312-626-6799  

Meeting ID: 880 0209 0773 

Passcode: 641347