
As February and Heart Health Month wind down, looking for healthier foods is a good thing to do year round.

Fareway Dietitian Caitlyn Ferin says people tend to think of fruits and vegetables to keep their hearts healthy, and there are a variety of ways to get those servings, including fresh, frozen, dried or canned. 

Ferin says not all protein is bad for your heart, including pork and beef.

“Pork actually has a ‘slim seven,’ so that’s seven cuts that meet the American Heart Association guidelines for lean. Beef has, I want to say 30 cuts that meet that same definition for lean. So what you want to look for, to make it easy, is the word ‘loin’ or ‘round.’ We typically always associate those with lean cuts. So those are going to be your best bet.”

Ferin adds to try increasing foods with fiber such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, along with Omega 3 fatty acid foods like fish, nuts and healthier kinds of oils.