With the solar project continuing on in Perry, some city-owned buildings are officially up and running on solar power.
The solar project aims to offset electrical use by installing solar panels on city-owned facilities. City Administrator Sven Peterson says some buildings are completed with their solar panels which are now functioning.
“We have three of our facilities that are hooked up and turned on, being powered by our new solar panels. So, both of the shops at the public works facilities as well as the sanitation building out by the wastewater treatment plant. Those three systems are all hooked up and going.”
Peterson says they are waiting on parts and pieces for some of the other facilities. Peterson says in the next couple of months all of the facilities should be completed.
“Definitely very exciting to see that project coming to the point that all the facilities are installed. Just pulling wire, doing some final electrical work.”
The project to have solar panels installed on city-owned facilities began in 2021.