
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley visited many small business owners Wednesday morning in Guthrie Center on behalf of the seminar called NFIB Small Business Challenge. 

NFIB, or National Federation of Independent Business is a non profit and non partisan organization that advocates for small businesses. Grassley visited PS Manufacturing and learned from Todd Hambleton how to make his best-selling product the “magnet sweeper.”  Grassley said that just like PS Manufacturing many other small business owners are dealing with supply chain issues. 

I think it’s improving a little bit, but so little that I couldn’t guarantee people is going to continue to improve, but I’ve read recently in business journals about the supply chain being just a little bit better. And I think it’s all what we import too much, and that’s why we have the China bill to move some manufacturing back to the United States.”

Grassley said the Senate’s revision of the Competes Act is what he calls the China bill. About 20 people attended this private event and voiced their frustration with issues such as the workforce shortage, Build Back Better Bill’s tax revisions, the southern border and government overreach. The stop was part of Grassley’s 99-county tour.