
John Beltz (standing right) advocates for Super 2 on Highway 30 from Ogden to Carroll

The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday because of the President’s Day holiday on Monday.

During open forum, Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams asked the Board if he could add $6,400 to his budget for annual fees that the company who supplies their body and in-vehicle cameras recently added to their contract. The Board agreed with the request.

County Attorney Thomas Laehn mentioned that he is working on a draft for a moratorium of solar farms, which he wanted to present to the Board at their meeting this Thursday. The Board agreed with the request.

County Environmental Administrator Chuck Wenthold told the Board that Webster County is using Snyder and Associates as their county inspector for the proposed Summit Carbon Solution carbon dioxide underground pipeline and asked if the Board wanted to talk with the engineering firm about possibly being their county inspector. The Board agreed to do so.

Then, county resident John Beltz made a presentation to the Board, who spoke in opposition to the Highway 30 Coalition’s position of wanting to make Highway 30 from Lisbon to DeWitt and Ogden to Carroll a four-lane highway. He was in favor of a Super 2, where there would be staggered passing lanes through those corridors. Beltz owns land along Highway 30 and thought that if the Iowa Department of Transportation was going to conduct a study from Ogden to Carroll, there was no need to spend taxpayer money for the Highway 30 Coalition to do a similar study. The coalition is asking for funding from those counties and cities involved to do an economic impact study for $99,000, which the Greene County Development Corporation and the Jefferson City Council have already agreed to each pay $5,000 and the Supervisors have yet to act on the similar request. The Board then took no action following the presentation.

Finally, the Board approved a master agreement and price quote from Axon Enterprise for new tasers for the Greene County Sheriff’s Office as presented.