
The Jefferson City Council will meet tomorrow night.

The Council will set several public hearings, including the adoption of the 2023 fiscal year budget, as well as proposing to sell downtown properties at 105 and 107 North Chestnut Streets. The Council will also consider approving a change in a development agreement from Jefferson Veterinary Clinic to Fairview Veterinary Clinic, purchasing interior equipment for the animal shelter, and giving recognitions to city employees for years of service. 

Additionally, the Council will consider a few agreements with engineering firm Bolton and Menk, including an engineering agreement for a water line replacement project on Russell Street from Elm Street to the Wastewater Plant, a service agreement for an ArcGIS Online Organization Administration and a professional services agreement for an addendum to the East Lincoln Way corridor improvement project. Finally, the Council will hear a presentation from the Bell Tower Festival Committee.

The meeting will begin at 5:30pm in the City Hall Council Chambers.