School districts have various projects that pop up throughout the year, and the Perry Community School District is no different. 

Superintendent Clark Wicks says the five year plan for major projects is updated every year and that there have been plenty of major projects completed throughout the years. Wicks outlines some of the upcoming plans for the district.

“(The) elementary gym floor. We’d like to be able to get that gym all spruced up, we have added baskets in there recently. As I move through the different schools we have the Perry Middle School which we have talked a lot about. We want to continue to finish the renovation on that and then we have our high school building, we want to spruce up the high school gym too. The ceilings, the walls getting painted and then we want to get that gym all redone.”

Wicks tells Raccoon Valley Radio other projects include wanting to put irrigation in the athletic complex for the soccer field along with replacing the fence out at Dewey Field. Wicks says this five year plan is important for the district.

“We want to always have Perry Pride, whether it’s “““`how it looks, how it functions and then again the major infrastructure items that nobody sees always needs some attention. It is absolutely vital for Perry Pride, for safety and for function.”

Wicks says other pieces of the five year plan includes the replacement of buses in the fleet.