
The Stuart City Council met Monday. 

The City Council approved the police department request that includes radios for $25,900 and laptops for each officer for $23,000.

The Council approved to give until May 1st for a nuisance violation of debris in yard and dirty siding for 703 North Fremont Street to be fixed, Town and Country Insurance property request proposals, and a Depot Committee request to financially help depot manager Benda Dudley with $5,000.

The Council approved a contribution from Region XII Council Of Governments Housing, an Information Technology equipment policy,the renewal and extension of the city of Stuart’s lost tax increment financing ordinance, a cemetery committee camera’s for roughly $300 and re appointments for the Board of Adjustments, Historic Preservation Commission and Planning and Zoning Commission. 

The Council will set a public hearing for March 14th for the  development agreements with SH & B LLC and Aust Hotels, including annual appropriation tax increment payments for March 14th. The Council will also set a public hearing for the fiscal year 2022-23 city proposed budget for March 14th.

The Council will have a public hearing for the fiscal year 2022-23 city budget maximum tax dollars on March 14th and a utility water system improvement project for a water tower. 

The Council heard about the Central Iowa Collision moving to a new location,  the Bonnie and Clyde run and an update from the Economic Development Director. The Council appointed Mick Askren to the cemetery committee and tabled the city attorney proposal