
For the first time in five years, a student-led organization has been revived at Greene County High School.

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) has returned and Co-Advisor Ashley Havens explains why FCCLA started back up.

“So it is now required that all Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses have a CTSO, or Career and Technical Student Organization offered. I just find it’s (FCCLA) a really great way to connect with students outside of the classroom and really build leadership skills that help them throughout life.” 

Havens notes this organization focuses on areas of family and consumer sciences that promotes leadership skills in the family, school and community and careers in FCS, which includes culinary, early childhood education, fashion and interior design, human services, and personal finance.

Havens says there is about 20 students involved currently in FCCLA and have done a few community service projects, including decorating door hanging for residents at assisted living facilities, made goodie bags for the local fire department, engaged with state legislators at the Statehouse during FCCLA Day at the capitol, and an in-school Valentine’s Day fundraiser, along with an upcoming strawberry fundraiser. She reflects on how this first year has gone so far.

“I think it’s gone really well. I was impressed with the number of getting 20. I mean, coming from zero I thought that was great, and we have some really, really involved students who I think have been really passionate about leading and have found some interest areas that they’re ready to explore career-wise within FCS.” 

This week is National FCCLA Week.