
A voting rights bill that was recently passed in the U.S. House has one Senator from Iowa disagreeing on principle.

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley doesn’t support the Democratic lobbied bill that passed along party lines in the House last month. Grassley doesn’t believe the federal government should play a role in regulating voting rights, according to the first article in the U.S. Constitution that gives the states the rights to control how voting is done.

“And I don’t think that the federal government should have one federal election law. My main reason for saying that is that it’s worked so good for 240 years leave it alone. But the other one (reason) is a practical reason, if you have fraud in Chicago, it’s going to dilute and denigrate the vote of Iowans, whereas if it’s done by state law and there’s fraud in Chicago, it only dilutes the vote of Illinoisans and it doesn’t defect the vote of Iowans.”

Sources say some of what the bill covers includes proposals to reduce voter suppression, public disclosures of money spent to influence elections, as well as ending partisan gerrymandering.