Guthrie County Democrat Caucus
Both major political party organizations in Guthrie County met for their respective caucuses Monday night.
The Guthrie County Republican Party had many precinct caucus locations that included Panorama Elementary School, Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center Middle School, Yale Community Club and Bayard Library. Republican Chair Paul Hawkins says he had mixed feelings about the turnout.
“(I) Was happy with Precinct Three turnout. I haven’t heard about any of the rest of the turnout yet, but I was not very happy with the Guthrie Center turnout (in) Precinct Four. I’m afraid we didn’t get information out like we should have.”
At the Republican Precinct Three they elected Jerry and Nancy Armstrong to the county central committee .
The Guthrie County Democrat Chair Kathy Miller said they changed their caucus format to a walkthrough without a meeting.
“It’s not so formal. Obviously not following any Robert’s Rules, but I think we’re getting our business taken care of. And that was the important thing.”
The Guthrie County Democrats elected eight candidates from Stuart, six from Panora and Guthrie Center. In total, the Democrats can have up to 20 delegates for the upcoming county convention from the area precinct locations. The Democrats will be reaching out to previous delegates to recruit more for the convention.