
During the colder months it can be important to be prepared for a variety of weather situations. 

Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator A.J. Seely says people should have a winter weather emergency kit that includes items like blankets, coats, gloves and socks. Seely mentions other things people might need. 

“Also want to have a phone charger, maybe a shovel or some sort of traction agent so if you happen to get stuck in some snow you can put some sand down and maybe get out.”

Seely tells Raccoon Valley Radio there are various places people could keep their winter weather emergency kits and what is contained in them would change depending on where it’s located.

“Each of those would kind of tailor a little bit to what the risk might be. So, in a vehicle a shovel might be necessary or a traction agent. Well at home hopefully you have a shovel for the snow that we get but it might not be necessary to have in your kit, per say, just because the risk is going to be a little bit different.”

Seely recommends an emergency kit to help you survive different situations that the winter months can throw at you.