
The Greene County Early Learning Center has come back strong, following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic that shut them down for a while in 2020.

Director Cheri Cerveny told the Greene County Supervisors on Monday that they have been able to return to as normal as possible throughout 2021.

“We were able to stay open the entire year. We did not close at all. We didn’t have an outbreak or anything of the COVID virus. So we’ve been very fortunate to continue that. We were able to return to regular operations the end of May.”  

Cerveny also gave an update on the new building project that is adjacent to their current facility on Madison Street. She said following the groundbreaking event this past August, construction was delayed by one week but is back on schedule. GCELC Co-President Jacque Andrew gave insight into a unique feature of the several mini-pointed arches on the new building.

“Those are lookout points. There will be windows that go way down. So that natural light comes in from two sides to each room and the kids, even the little-littles, can get up to the window and see out.”    

Cerveny said the anticipated opening of the new building is by early June, with a new playground to be built after that, as it will be where the current facility is now.