The Guthrie County Supervisors met Tuesday.
The Board voted 3-2 to deny the 2023 fiscal year the county compensation board’s recommendation of raising the sheriff’s salary by 27 percent and chose the 15 percent raise for county elected officials. Supervisors Mike Dickson, Clifford Carney and Everett Grasty voted no due to the amount being too high. The Board then approved by a 4-1 vote to raise the Sheriff’s salary by 21 percent and elected officials by 12 percent with the lone no vote from Evertt Grasty because he wanted the Board to take more time to evaluate the salary amounts.
The Board also approved after a public hearing the first and second readings of the amendment to an ordinance to establish election precinct boundaries for Guthrie County, as well as a resolution authorizing a fund transfer from the American Rescue Plan Fund to the General Basic Fund, General Supplemental Fund, Secondary Roads Fund, Rural Service Fund, Assessor Fund and Emergency Management Fund and distribution for American Rescue Act funding.
Additionally, the Board approved the resolution to declare necessity and establish an expanded Urban Renewal Area and the Urban Renewal Plan Amendment, along with Jeff Stone to handle attorney fees on the law enforcement center project. Finally, they set the next board meeting to be on Monday, January 3rd.