A Guthrie Center resident recently was re-elected to a statewide board, which he has been on for two decades.
C.W. Thomas is entering his 20th year being on the Iowa State Fair Board, which he represents the southwest portion of the state. Thomas explains when he was young he was always involved in fairs as a 4-H leader and was asked to run for the position after the last member retired. Thomas says that the Iowa State Fair Board is elected every two years by the Association of Iowa Fairs constituents. Thomas describes some parts of his responsibilities are.
“If I see some things that they’d like to see that’s why I’m the fellow that carries a message to the district and takes it to review it and discuss it and the pros and cons and ya or nay.”
Thomas tells Raccoon Valley Radio what he loves about the Iowa State Fair. .
“I call it the Super Bowl of Iowa. I mean, we’re very involved with the youth programs, we’re very involved with the agricultural, and we’re still very commercialized. So I think we try to excel on every aspect of the fair industry.”
He adds that it’s been a tradition every year to have a member from Guthrie County on the state fair board and he would like to keep that going.