
As people prepare to take part in various holiday activities, there are some reminders for food safety to keep in mind. 

Dallas County Health Department Public Information Officer Ann Cochran says people should try and cut down on the consumption of sugar over the holidays to avoid things such as headaches, stomach aches, as well as long term effects such as diabetes.

“One strategy is before you even go to the party, eat a healthy snack like a peanut butter sandwich or an apple and a big glass of water and that way you won’t walk into the party feeling hungry and just attack that snack buffet the minute you walk in.”

Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio there is also the potential for foodborne illnesses, with the most common being salmonella. 

“It’s quite avoidable if everyone is careful about washing their hands after using the bathroom and before preparing food.”

Cochran says warm running water and soap is a better option than using hand sanitizer.