A Des Moines man was given a suspended prison sentence from drug charges from an incident that happened earlier this year in Adel.
According to court documents, 59-year-old Ted R. Smith of Des Moines pled guilty to a misdemeanor for possession of a controlled substance and was given a two year suspended prison sentence and placed on probation for one year. He also pled guilty to a misdemeanor for keeping premises or vehicle for controlled substance and had a two year prison sentence suspended and was placed on probation for one year.
The Class B Felony of a controlled substance violation, Class D Felony for failure to affix a drug stamp and a misdemeanor for unlawful possession of prescription drugs were dismissed by the court.
Court documents show that at approximately 6:52 p.m. January 17th Dallas County Dispatch received information about methamphetamine, marijuana, large sums of cash and multiple pieces of drug paraphernalia were in plain view in a home in the 900 block of Greene Street in Adel.
Smith allegedly moved the items to a separate location in the house. Law enforcement executed a search warrant and found multiple drug-related items, including a ball of a crystal-like substance that later field-tested positive for methamphetamine, and a plastic baggie containing a green leafy substance that later field-tested positive for marijuana.
Smith was also ordered to pay a total of $2,066 for fines, surcharges, and other court-related costs.