
Image courtesy of RSVP 55+

A local, non-profit organization continues to serve Greene County residents, despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program Director Michelle Hull says during their recently completed 2021 fiscal year, they had 24 active volunteers in Greene County and were able to begin in-home services this past March. However, she points out during the pandemic from 2020 to this past March, volunteers were still able to assist clients with their Grocery Assistance Program (GAP) and dropped off the groceries at the client’s door and made phone calls as opposed to in-home visitations. Hull adds, they also expanded into Guthrie County.

This fiscal year, Hull says they collected over 1,700 items and $590 for their Lots of Socks and More campaign, where socks and underwear, along with diapers for newborns went back to those in need in Greene County. She also mentions starting the Pen Pal Program with Greene County Elementary students, where students and an adult volunteer handwrite letters to each other.