
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

During open forum, resident Dennis Murphy addressed the Council about his new business. He and his wife are looking to open a commercial meat locker on Washington Street, next to Tim Pound’s repair shop. He said they will process up to one beef and two hogs per day from four producers. Because the City owns the property, a public hearing will be scheduled for the January 28th Council meeting before a purchase agreement can be finalized.

Also during open forum, a representative from ACCESS Assault Care Center asked the Council for a $1,000 contribution to help pay for temporary shelter for domestic and sexual abuse survivors. The Council took no action on the topic.

The Council then held a public hearing for the review of the wastewater treatment facility project and an application for the state revolving loan fund. No public comments were made and no approval was needed by the Council, as the hearing was part of the revolving loan process. The Council also approved the second reading to amend an ordinance to rezone property at 704 West Lincoln Way from residential single family to residential multi-family, along with the third required reading to amend an ordinance to reduce the number of election precincts from three to two. 

The Council also approved the appointment of Larry Rodgers to the volunteer fire department, the annual five year capital improvement plan for the municipal airport, renewing the city’s health insurance plan with an eight-percent increase in premiums for a total of $560,000 and an economic development agreement with the Jefferson VFW Post #9599 to replace the roof of their building on the east side of the downtown square. The agreement is a four year forgivable loan for $42,800 and the VFW will take steps to renovate the facade to its original, historical look. 

Next, the Council approved a change order for TK Concrete of $1,681 for the recently completed alleyway improvement project by the White House Apartments and Companion Veterinary Clinic, along with the final payment and retainage for the project and accepting the certification of completion. 

Finally, the Council set January 11th as the public hearing date to sell several properties, including the east 21-feet of 806 West Lincoln Way to Craig and Polly Kinsey, the rest of 806 and 808 West Lincoln Way to Justin Towers for a duplex, 407 West Lincoln Way to Ken and Sue Bose and 105 and 107 South Olive Street to developer Andy Rowland for a duplex.