The Guthrie County Supervisors will hold a public hearing and consider the first reading of an ordinance establishing election precinct boundaries for Guthrie County at their meeting today.
The Board will then set a public hearing date for the seconding reading of the ordinance. They will also canvass the votes from December 7th election of the Rural Improvement Zone, as well as make an appointment to the Board of Adjustment, and consider approving an Iowa Land Records 28E Agreement and Elderbridge Agency on Aging 28E Agreement.
The Board will also consider for approval a liquor license for Lake Panorama National, a bid packet and notice for the Law enforcement Center Project furniture, fixtures and equipment; and a Samuels Group Pay application.
The Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. today in the Guthrie County Courthouse. There is a virtual option to attend which can be found below.
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