The Greater Greene County Presbyterian Ministeries is hosting an event Sunday to bring holiday joy while also supporting a worthy cause.
Organizer Avis Keasey says the Live Nativity event will take place at the Presbyterian Church in Paton from noon-1:30pm. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio soup and pie will be served from noon-1:30pm and the live nativity showings will be at 12:30 and 1pm. The meal will be served inside the church for either a toy or free will donation. All toy donations will be given to the Beauty Amidst the Ashes, which will go to foster children across the state. Monetary donations will be used by the church to fill their outside Blessing Box, mini food pantry, throughout the year.
During the Live Nativity, Keasey says people can watch and listen from their vehicles and there will be two reserved spots in the parking lot for people to use. There will also be live animals this year. Keasey adds last year was different than in the past three years of the fundraiser because of COVID-19, but it was the best year yet in terms of donations and is hoping for the same, if not better this year.