The suspect that robbed a Scranton bank earlier this year has been sentenced in federal court.
According to the Southern District Court of Iowa, 27-year-old Zachary Michael Wailes of Fort Dodge pled guilty to federal bank robbery on June 1st and was sentenced to federal prison for eight years and four months. The charge stemmed from an incident on February 25th, when Wailes entered Peoples Bank in Scranton and robbed them of over $20,000.
Wailes was originally facing charges from the Greene County Sheriff’s Office, but those charges were dismissed in lieu of being federally indicted.
A second suspect, 26-year-old Tyler Mattingly of Carroll, has pled guilty to a Class C Felony for first degree theft from the Greene County Sheriff’s Office. As per the plea agreement, Mattingly admitted to his role of aiding and abetting Wailes during the robbery incident.
Court documents show Mattingly admitted to making a false accident phone call to law enforcement on the east side of Greene County to draw authorities away from Scranton that is located in western Greene County. A warrant has been re-issued for Mattingly as he failed to report for a hearing in October.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.