
As Dallas County continues to be the fastest growing county in Iowa, one local school district is seeing a positive growth for enrollment. 

The recent Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School District certified enrollment shows growth of a little more than 50 students. Superintendent Greg Dufoe says the official count date for certified enrollment is October 1st. Dufoe explains the enrollment numbers. 

“That generates a number, really two different numbers. One is what they call a resident student count and that is the number that drives our budget because we get a per pupil allocation from the state and our resident student count is up 48 students and then we also have a total enrollment and that’s the number of kids total.”

Dufoe tells Raccoon Valley Radio the total enrollment includes not just resident students but also students who may be open enrolled and the total enrollment number is up by 50. Dufoe says this number is lower than anticipated. 

“That’s really good enrollment growth for us. Actually, it’s less than we had predicted through our enrollment projections that we had done about three years ago. We had anticipated a growth rate of about 100 students this year.”

Dufoe says the lower number of student growth will play a role as the school district predicts enrollment in the future and generates its budget.