
The West Central Valley School Board will meet for a special meeting and a regular meeting tonight.

During the special meeting, the oaths of office will be conducted with the newly elected board members, followed by a closed session to discuss personnel. The special meeting will end in open session with the Board to consider an action for the appeal hearing on a personnel matter. 

Then during the regular meeting the Board will discuss open enrollment, consider for approval the School Board Review Committee application for modified allowable growth, snow removal bids, fundraiser requests, midterm graduates and review the board election results.

The organizational meeting will then follow the regular meeting. The meeting will begin with the election of board president and vice president. They will then consider for approval the rules and procedures for board meetings, as well as setting the date, time and location of the meetings. Next, the Board will consider for approval the county representatives, as well as discuss the Iowa Association of School Boards policy as it relates to the federal COVID-19 vaccination and testing mandate. Next, the Board will discuss the local government risk pool for natural gas and will enter into an exempt session for a negotiation strategy session.

The West Central Valley School Board special meeting will take place at 6pm and the regular meeting will take place at 7 p.m. tonight in the High School Board Room. Raccoon Valley Radio will have a recap of tonight’s meeting later this week.