The Perry Community School District is continuing on with the middle school renovation and making good progress.
Superintendent Clark Wicks says as the project pushes forward, 7th and 8th graders have already moved into their classrooms which are working nicely.
“Things are all coming to a head and we have got a lot of people working very diligently out there and it’s going to come together by the first of December.”
Wicks tells Raccoon Valley Radio once the project is complete, people will see a lot of Perry Pride throughout the middle school.
“One of the goals is that when you walk in you’re going to have a lot of Perry Pride. Initially, when you put that first step in there and your eyeballs hit the walls you’re going to see a lot of Perry Blue and you are going to see a very large statement with Perry Middle School in it. Plus, the learning commons area as you come in is going to be absolutely beautiful as well as the cafeteria.”
Wicks says the 6th graders will be moving in on December 1st but there will still be more work to be completed throughout the month of December.