The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board approved an additional special education teacher position at their regular meeting this past Monday.
The additional position came after reviewing the caseload of the current special education teachers at DeSoto Intermediate and determining an additional special education teacher was needed with hopes to have the position filled by the start of the second semester.
Also, the Board approved resolutions for Modified Supplemental Assistance requests for increasing enrollment as well as for English Language Learners beyond five years, as well as the first reading of several board policies.
Finally, the Board approved presenting to the School Budget Review Committee exhibits and the proposed unexpended state aid general fund balance of $180,675 for the Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program for 2022-2023.
Also, the Board discussed the certified enrollment numbers for ADM which show that the district is continuing to grow as actual enrollment has risen by a little more than 50 students.