As the weather continues to get colder, some of the services available at local parks and campgrounds in Dallas County are no longer available.
The Dallas County Conservation Board announced that services have now switched to winter hours including Hanging Rock 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the restrooms closed, Sportsman Park 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the showerhouse and tent camping restrooms closed.
The Forest Park Museum in Perry will be closed on the weekends, and for the Voas Nature Area it will remain open 30 minutes before sunrise until 10 a.m. with bathrooms being open through November.
Outreach Coordinator Sarah Gilchrist says even though some amenities may not be available there are still ways to camp.
“If you have a camper that has its own restroom in it, those campgrounds are still available for rent; it’s just that our restrooms or showerhouses may not be available.”
For a full list of changes you can go here.