
A reminder to Guthrie County citizens to get out and exercise their  civic duty and vote. The city council and school board elections are today and residents need to be aware of the polling locations. 

Voters in the Black precinct will go to Casey Community Building, Blue precinct is at Veterans Auditorium in Panora, Brown precinct is at the Panora Public Library, Gold and White precincts are at the First Christian Church Hall in Guthrie Center, Green is at the Yale Community Building, Purple is at the First Congregational Church in Stuart , and Red is at the Bayard Community Center.

All voters must provide a proof of identification before receiving a ballot. The polls will open at 7am and close at 8pm today. If voters have any questions about what precinct to vote in, as well as requirements for identification visit links below or contact the Guthrie County Auditor’s Office. 641-747-3619. Once the polls close, Raccoon Valley Radio will report the unofficial results later tonight.