
For the Perry High School the first showing of this year’s fall play will be this Friday for people to enjoy. 

Director Randy Peterson says this year’s play, “Radium Girls” will tell the story of women in the early 1900s who worked in watch painting factories where they worked with radium. Peterson explains the reason behind why they chose this play. 

“The reason that I wanted to do this show this year was I try to alternate back and forth between a comedy and a drama. So, we have done a couple of years of comedies and I thought that this play would be a really good opportunity for my actors to kind of show off their dramatic chops.”

Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio the cast has been rehearsing for the past eight weeks in preparation for the show. Cast member Amber Benway says she hopes attendees will enjoy the performance. 

“I feel like the audience will be able to take away really fast on how realistic the story is and I feel like they’ll be able to empathize with these characters and really get to know them and really understand the reality of this story behind it.”

“Radium Girls” will be showing this Friday and Saturday in the Perry Performing Arts Center beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 for all ages and can be purchased at the door or the high school office.