Since the beginning of the pandemic, many organizations have moved forward with altered services including libraries, but slowly normal services are beginning to return.
Adel Public Library Director Trever Jayne says as it relates to children’s programming November marks the return of more normal programming.
“Starting in November our children’s programming in the morning, which is for preschool kids and toddlers, will be here at the library. Weather cooperating we will be outside but if it’s too cold or not appropriate we will be moving inside. That’s the first time we will be having indoor programming for those kiddos since the pandemic started.”
Jayne tells Raccoon Valley Radio in terms of social distancing measures there will be size limitations and children will not be required to wear masks but it will be encouraged. The hopes are for a more normal feel to activities.
“It almost doesn’t feel real, it’s been so long since we’ve been able to have kids programming here at the library, inside, in-person that it will be wonderful to see.”
For a full list of upcoming programming at the Adel Public Library you can go here.