
The Thomas Jefferson Gardens will be starting a series of programs designed to help those better understand how the U.S. government operates.

The series theme is “Understanding Democracy” and the first free program will be held Sunday at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Welcome Center starting at 2pm. The Iowa Freedom of Information Council (IFIC) Executive Director Randy Evans will be the initial guest speaker and cover the media, as well as the First Amendment. The IFIC seeks accountability at all levels of government. Evans has been serving in his current role since 2015 after a 40-year career with the Des Moines Register. He has received the Iowa Newspaper Association’s Distinguished Service Award, the Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism Free Press Champion Award, and the Iowa Freedom of Information Council’s Friend of the First Amendment Award.

The free program is open to the public, with social distancing standards and masks are strongly encouraged to be worn. No pre-registration is necessary.