Dallas County Extension is offering a program that will begin soon to help women learn more about beef production.
Ag Program Coordinator Aleta Cochran says the Boots in the Barn program will offer a way for women to learn more about topics including animal health, nutrition, calving management and animal selection. Cochran explains the importance of the program.
“The reason we are doing it, we find that a lot of times when people get married the husband may already have been involved in farming and the wife is coming from the city or from a small town and doesn’t have the background knowledge, and this helps them gain some knowledge and feel like they’ve got a more even footing with their husband on some of this.”
Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio the four week program will begin on November 2nd and has a cost of $25 to participate and the deadline to register is tomorrow. For more information or to register you can go here.