Now that we are entering the start of the influenza season, public health officials are urging everyone to get their flu immunization.
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says the flu vaccine is comprised of four strains of the virus and she explains how the manufacturers of the vaccine determine what strains to include.
“For the flu vaccine season for ‘21-’22, back in February of ‘21 is when they would’ve been determining, in other parts of the world, what are the strains that are the most prevalent. That’s how they determine what strains to put in the vaccine.”
Wolf notes the symptoms of the flu include fever or chills, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue and vomiting or diarrhea. Flu vaccines are available now at most healthcare facilities, including Greene County Public Health that has vaccine clinics every Tuesday from 9am-1pm and Thursday from 1-4pm through November 4th. Appointments are required for the clinics by contacting public health at 515-386-3228.