
The Greene County Temporary Redistricting Commission held a public hearing Monday.

The commission met earlier this month and selected the fourth of five map options where the population deviation had to be within one-percent of the county’s ideal population of 1,754. This map is then used for the next ten years for supervisor elections until the next U.S. Census data is released. 

Since the Iowa Senate voted to reject the first congressional maps, Greene County Auditor and Commission Secretary Jane Heun explained the supervisor boundaries don’t have to adhere to what the legislature decides.

“There’s two different processes: one is redistricting, which the Temporary Redistricting Commission deals with. The Board of Supervisors looks at re-precincting and they can’t do anything there until the legislature does it’s thing.”    

Following the hearing, the commission voted unanimously to recommend the selected map to the supervisors for final approval. Heun added, if the supervisors approve the new supervisor district boundaries, she will wait to submit that to the Secretary of State’s Office, pending the Supervisors approval of re-precincting the county after the legislature has approved the congressional and legislative maps.