A Grand Junction church is celebrating another milestone in its history.
The First United Presbyterian Church is 151 years old and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the historical milestone will be recognized during its regular service at 10:30am this Sunday. The three presbyterian churches that make up the Greater Greene County Presbyterian Ministries will worship together in Grand Junction.
The church was first built on June 5, 1870, just one year after Grand Junction was founded. Since then there have been several changes and renovations, including a new church that was built in 1876. The last renovation was done in 1982 when the sanctuary of the current church had new stained glass windows, a pastor’s study, church office and central corridor connected the fellowship hall.
The public is invited to the special service this Sunday at 10:30am, with refreshments and fellowship to follow the service. The service will be conducted by the Reverend Kim Nofeland Wendy Pittman, a commissioned pastor.