As hunting seasons get underway, there are plenty of public places in Dallas County for people to hunt.
Dallas County Conservation Outreach Coordinator Sarah Gilchrist says there are plenty of locations for hunters, including one specific place for youth.
“Youth deer season is currently in swing and the nice thing about our area is that Voas Nature Area near Minburn, we have a specialized youth hunting area that requires a special permit. In addition to that we have several other areas that aren’t specifically for youth but just for the general public.”
Gilchrist tells Raccoon Valley Radio people can go to the Dallas County Conservation website to find more details on the hunting areas as well as the Iowa Department of Natural Resources website to see more about hunting and what season it is.
“People are very excited about hunting season this year and it looks to be a good one.”
For more information on Dallas County areas you can go here and for the Iowa DNR for hunting laws and regulations here.